The path to paralibrarian certification requires a fair amount of learning. This section will maintain a list of links to online educational opportunities available to all to facilitate applicants' efforts to engage in continued education.
Virtual Education Opportunities
These links contain webinars and other opportunities that can help meet certification requirements. However, we encourage all library professionals to use these links to their advantage in ongoing professional development efforts.
- ALA Live
- American Libraries Live
- Booklist webinars
- Colorado State Library Path to Learning
- ConnectedLib - Connections with Youth
- Demco webinars
- 850+ Ivy League Courses - Free access
- First Tuesdays (Washington St. Library)
- Idahoable
- Infopeople
- Kentucky Dept. for Libraries webinars
- Library Journal webcasts
- Library Juice Academy
- Maine State Library Voluntary Public Librarian Certification
- Nebraska Library Commission webinars
- School Library Journal webcasts
- SPLC Learning for Justice
- Tech Soup For Libraries
- Texas Library Association continuing education
- Texas State Library webinars
- University of Wisconsin-Madison Continuing Ed
- Webjunction
- Wyoming State Library Webinar Archive
- YALSA - Young Adult Library Services Assoc.
Resources for Professional Development
Below is a list of links to access additional resources for professional development. As always, please refer to the paralibrarian application guidelines to ensure that the resource you have chosen meets the requirements for points. This list is a compilation of resources found in various places, not a definitive list of guideline-appropriate items.
A special thank you to the State Library staff who have diligently provided many of these links through the NHAIS listserv:
- NH State Library LibGuides
- Google Doc of Free Webinars
- The Horn Book
- JSTOR (Library Science)
- Library 2.0
- ALA Programming librarian
- Public Library Association Webinars
- LinkedIn Learning
- LinkedIn Remote working
- Remote library task ideas spreadsheet (started by Amy Lappin on 3/19/2020)
- Ohio Reference Excellence (ORE) Professional Development Training
- Free online IT training courses at
- Khan Academy
- Successful Programming for Babies and Toddlers
- Block Play: Building a Foundation of Early Learning in the Library
- Building Early Literacy Skills with Babies presented by Stephanie Prato
- Engaging Toddlers in Active Early Learning presented by Stephanie Prato
- Infusing Preschool Early Literacy with STEAM, Music, and Movement presented by Stephanie Prato
- PBS Media Literacy Certification
- Project READY: Reimagining Equity & Access for Diverse Youth
- Supercharged Storytimes
NHLA provided resources
- Please visit the NHLA calendar to discover upcoming classes and workshops related to your Paralibrarian Application process and to futher your application points. Also note that classes offered by other sections can be eligible for points, just bring Form D for the instructor to sign if a certificate of attendance is not offered.
Continued Education Updates
If you notice a dead link or a mistake or have suggestions for additional links to provide, please contact the Paralibrarian webmaster:
Lex Hetrick, Manchester City Library
To host or suggest a class or workshop, please reach out to our Education Chair:
Hope Garner, Griffin Free Library
Education Committee members:
Anne Meyers, Philbrick James Library
Carrie Loring, Rodgers Memorial Library