About Paralibrarians

The Paralibrarian Certification is a voluntary program designed to recognize the involvement and contributions of paralibrarians in New Hampshire. Paralibrarians (non-MLS staff) support the missions of school, public, academic, and special libraries throughout the state by providing important services, being involved in professional development activities, and demonstrating commitment to their work. The certification is not a substitute for a Master of Library Science degree or any other degree or certificate.

Complete information on the program, including details on the application process for the NHLA Paralibrarian Certification Program, can be found here:

Applications received after November 1, 2018, should follow the revised
Paralibrarian Certification Guidelines 201808

Make check payable to NHLA-Paralibrarians and mail check to:
New Hampshire Library Association Paralibrarian Section
c/o Carla Ferreira, cferreira@amherstlibrary.org
Amherst Town Library
14 Main St, Amherst, NH 03031
Van Stop: Amherst/Amherst Town Library

Please submit a pdf file of your application, via email, to Carla Ferreira at cferreira@amherstlibrary.org. You will receive an email back from Carla, confirming receipt of your file, within 7 days.


Bylaws of the Paralibrarian Section of New Hampshire Library Association

Article I. Name.

The name of this organization shall be the Paralibrarians Section of the New Hampshire Library Association.

Article II. Objective

Through support and increased awareness of Paralibrarians, the Section promotes and provides a forum for networking and career development opportunities and provides voluntary professional certification for non-MLS degreed library personnel.

Article III. Membership

Membership shall be open to all dues-paying members of the New Hampshire Library Association.

Article IV. Officers

Section 1. The officers of the Paralibrarians Section shall be the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President.

A. The Past-President, President, Vice-President/President-Elect shall serve for one year.

B. The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for two years.

Section 2. Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer shall be elected by ballot and shall attend executive board meetings after the election during a transition period and begin their term as of January 1st. In the event that the position of President becomes vacant before the end of the term, the Vice President / President Elect shall fill the position for the remainder of the term and a special election will be held. In the event that the position of Vice President / President Elect becomes vacant before the end of the term a special election will be held. The nominating committee will seek nominations from the membership to fill the vacated position. A special election to fill unexpected vacancies will be held within 60 days.

Section 3. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

A. The President shall conduct all meetings and, with the advice of the Executive Board, shall appoint any special committees as necessary. The President shall be an ex-officio member of each committee, voting only in the case of a tie. The president shall represent the Paralibrarians Section to the NHLA Executive Board. The President shall ensure fiscal oversight of the annual budget in cooperation with the Executive Board.

B. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President. Vice-President/President-Elect shall serve as parliamentarian and shall coordinate all bylaw revisions.

C. The Secretary shall notify all Executive Board members of Board meetings, shall keep minutes of all general membership and Executive Board meetings and forward these to the section membership.

D. The Treasurer shall keep and report all necessary and proper financial records, and shall work with the NHLA Treasurer to manage Paralibrarians finances. The Treasurer shall draft and submit an annual budget for approval to the Executive Board. The Treasurer will forward the approved budget to the NHLA Treasurer.

ARTICLE V. Executive Board.

Section 1. The Past-President, President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator and all Committee Chairs shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall determine policies and changes therein within the limits of the bylaws of the section and shall take such actions it considers necessary to carry out the objectives of the section.

ARTICLE VI. Committees

Section 1. There shall be the following standing committees: Education, Certification, Nomination and Awards.

Section 2. Each committee shall appoint one designee to serve as a Chairperson and member of the Paralibrarians Executive Board for a period of two years. An exception is made for the Nominating and Award Selection Committees which shall be chaired by the immediate Past President.

Section 3. Vacant committee chair positions shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

ARTICLE VII. Nominations and Elections.

Section 1. Nominations

A. The Past President shall chair a Nominating Committee of three members appointed by the President to nominate candidates for each office. The President shall not be a member of the Nominating Committee.

B. Nominations from the general membership shall also be accepted, provided they are accompanied by written acceptances of the nominees.

C. Names of candidates (whether from the Nominating Committee or the general membership), together with their written acceptance, must be submitted to the President no later than August 15.

D. The Secretary shall prepare an official ballot.

E. All candidates must be members of the Paralibrarians. It shall be the responsibility of the nominator to verify such membership. The Secretary shall omit from the official ballot any names improperly submitted.

Section 2. Elections

A. Not later than 60 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the Secretary shall deliver a copy of the ballot, using procedures approved by the Executive Board, to each voting member. Ballots shall be returned so that they are received by the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual Business Meeting.

B. The chair of the Nominating Committee shall certify the results of the election, which shall be determined by the tally of the Secretary, and shall notify each candidate and each member of the Committee of such results.

C. New officers shall be announced at the first executive board meeting Paralibrarians Annual Meeting and reported to the Executive Board of the New Hampshire Library Association.

ARTICLE VIII. Amendments.

Notices of proposed amendments to the by-laws must be appended to the call for a meeting. Amendments shall be passed upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership present.

ARTICLE IX Meetings.

Section 1. General Membership.

A. The annual business meeting and special meetings of the general membership shall be held at such time and place as the Executive Board shall designate.

B. A quorum will consist of 10% of the section membership.

Section 2. Executive Board. Quarterly meetings of the Executive Board shall be held at such time and place as the President shall designate.

ARTICLE X. Parliamentary Authority.

The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all deliberations of this organization.

Board Contact

President: Julie Spokane, Amherst Public Library, jspokane@amherstlibrary.org

Past President: Cyndi Burnham, Goffstown Public Library, cyndib@goffstownlibrary.com

Vice President: Katie Ondre, Wadleigh Memorial Library, kondre@wadleighlibrary.org

Interstate Reciprocity Liaison: Heather Rainier, Hooksett Public Library, hrainier@hooksettlibrary.org

Treasurer: Pam MacDonald, Amherst Public Library, pmacdonald@amherstlibrary.org

Secretary: TBA

Member at Large

Danielle Arpin, Pelham Public Library, darpin@pelhamweb.com 

- Mary Ann Shea, Wadleigh Memorial Library, mshea@wadleighlibrary.org 

Review Committee Co-Chairs:   

- Carla Ferreira, Amherst Public Library, cferreira@amherstlibrary.orgorg

- Lee Ann Chase, Hooksett Public Library, lchase@hooksettlibrary.org 

Review Committee members:

- Edmund Lowe, Nashua Public Library, edmund.lowe@nashualibrary.org 

- Cheryl Ingerson, Elkins Public Library, cingerson@elkinspubliclibrary.org

Education Chair: Hope Garner, Griffin Free Library, Auburn, libraryadvocate62@gmail.com 

Education Committee members: 

- Anne Meyers, Philbrick James Library, director@philbrickjameslibrary.org

- Carrie Loring, Rodgers Memorial Library, carrieloring@rodgerslibrary.org

Membership Co-Chairs: TBA

Webmaster: Stefanie Binette, Merrimack Public Library, stefanie@merrimacklibrary.org

Mini-Conference Committee Chair: Cyndi Burnham, Goffstown Public Library, cyndib@goffstownlibrary.com

Mini-Conference Committee members:

- Anne Meyers

- Pam MacDonald

Mentors: Julie Spokane, Cyndi Burnham

Board Role Descriptions

The following role descriptions are a general overview of typical duties for each position.

Additional duties may arise. Further details about each position may be viewed under the Paralibrarian Bylaws, above.

President, NH Paralibrarian Section
The role of Paralibrarian Section President is outlined in the by-laws. The Paralibrarian Section President is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. This is an elected position. The term length for President is one year. After the one year term is served, the President will fulfill the role of Past-President.

  • Conduct meetings of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board and any section-wide meetings that may take place:
    • Coordinate scheduling of meetings.
    • Make decisions on weather-related cancellations of meetings
    • The President will facilitate group communication by using available web conferencing tools, managing email distribution lists, and web forums
    • Communicate with other board members regarding developing agenda for each meeting
    • The President will solicit items and prepare an agenda for future meetings which will be distributed to the members no later than 1 week prior to the meeting.


  • Communicate with Executive Board members regarding issues that arise between meetings.
  • Answer communications from section members, referring them to the appropriate Executive Board or committee member.
  • Appoint committee members, with input from other officers.
  • Represent the section on the NHLA Executive Board as a voting member of that body:
    • Attend regularly scheduled meetings of the NHLA board
    • Participate where necessary and appropriate to promote the interests of section members and NHLA as a whole
    • Report regularly to the Executive Board on what's going on with the Section
    • Report regularly to the Section Executive Board on what's going on with NHLA and the NHLA Executive Board.
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.
  • The President shall ensure fiscal oversight of the annual budget in cooperation with the Executive Board.
  • The President may also fulfill other duties as the need arises to ensure the success of the section.


Past President, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Paralibrarian Past President is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. The role of Past President is outlined in the by-laws. The term length for Past President is one year.

  • Chairs a Nominating Committee of three members appointed by the President to nominate candidates for each office and
  • Shall certify the results of the election and shall notify each candidate and each member of the Committee of such results.
  • Award Selection Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President.
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.


Vice President/President Elect, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Paralibrarian Vice President is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. The role of the Vice President is outlined in the by-laws. This is an elected position. The term length for this position shall be one year. After the one year term is served, the Vice President/President Elect will fulfill the role of President for one year, and then Past President for one year.

Additional duties not specified in bylaws:

  • The Vice President shall promote the Paralibrarian section at networking events, conferences, workshops, and to coworkers and colleagues.
  • The Vice President shall support the short and long-term goals as set by the Paralibrarian Executive Board.
  • May schedule Go To Meeting sessions if President is unable to do so.


Secretary, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Paralibrarian Secretary is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. The role of Paralibrarian Secretary is outlined in the by-laws.

  • Secretary shall serve for two years.
  • The Secretary shall notify all Executive Board members of Board meetings, shall keep minutes of all general membership and Executive Board meetings and forward these to the section membership.
  • The Secretary shall prepare an official ballot.
  • All candidates must be members of the Paralibrarians. It shall be the responsibility of the nominator to verify such membership. The Secretary shall omit from the official ballot any names improperly submitted.
  • Not later than 60 days prior to the Annual Business Meeting, the Secretary shall deliver a copy of the ballot, using procedures approved by the Executive Board, to each voting member. Ballots shall be returned so that they are received by the Secretary at least two weeks prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
  • The Secretary will take minutes and distribute to section members no later than 2 weeks after the meeting.
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.


Treasurer, NH Paralibrarian Section

The Paralibrarian Treasurer is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. The role of Paralibrarian Treasurer is outlined in the by-laws.

  • To keep record of all financial activities for the NHLA Paralibrarian Section.
  • Prepare an Annual Budget to be presented to the Board of the Section for approval in March, to be submitted to the NHLA Treasurer by April 1st.
  • Receive all checks/payments for classes and Certification Applications.  Process the deposit as indicated by NHLA provided procedures (scan all checks, complete the NHLA Deposit Form (excel spreadsheet), bring checks/cash to bank, scan the deposit slip, submit the Form, check scans and slip scan electronically to the NHLA Treasurer).  Deposits should be made in the month the payments are received.  Enter these amounts in the checkbook spreadsheet and the Profit/Loss Statement.
  • Each month NHLA receives membership dues, the Treasurer of NHLA will send a NHLA Transfers Form via email to indicate the money received.  Enter this in the checkbook spreadsheet and the Profit/Loss Statement.
  • Each month the NHLA Treasurer will forward via email the Bank Statement for the section.  Reconcile the checkbook spreadsheet and the Profit/Loss Statement to the Bank Statement.
  • Before every Board meeting, prepare a financial status summary for review.
  • Keep all files in an electronic folder and a printout of all paperwork for that Fiscal Year.  At the end of the Fiscal Year, copy all electronic files to the NHLA Paralibrarian Section Drop Box.  
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.


Class Fees

  • When payment comes in for classes, on the Wild Apricot roster for that student, enter the date, payment amount, check number and if appropriate, the check total (if for more than one class or more than one student).
  • Three weeks before the class is due to run, send a payment reminder to anyone still not paid.  Another reminder can be sent a week in advance to confirm the student will be attending if still unpaid.
  • Other class related responsibilities to be coordinated with the Education Chair.


Education Chair, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Education chair is a member of the Executive Board. The Education Chair is an appointed position and shall serve at will with no set term length. The Education Committee is in the by-laws. As the position has developed, the chair:

  • Helps the Executive Board develop class ideas and suggests teachers
  • Contacts potential teachers and confirms class dates/locations/descriptions
  • Puts all the information on the NHLA calendar/website/NHAIS list, etc
  • Handles registration for events
  • Shares class lists and certification forms with teachers
  • Coordinates with Membership Chair for advertising classes to the membership.
  • Sends out reminders for payments due, and dates/times for classes.
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.


Review Board Chair, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Review Board is in the by-laws.

  • Review Board Chair shall serve as the Chair of the Review Board and will represent the Review Board to the Paralibrarian Board.
  • Review Board Chair shall serve as the main contact for all applicants.
  • Promote the section and encourage new membership and participation among current members.
  • Review Board Chair shall follow the below process for all applications:
    • Review Board Chair receives application.
    • Chair notifies applicant packet has been received within three days of receipt.
    • Chair notifies treasurer of receipt and forwarding of check as necessary (and forwards check to treasurer) within 7 days of receipt.
    • Chair distributes copies to Review Board within 7 days.
    • Chair schedules review meeting with Review Board. Review Board meets either in person or by phone to discuss application, preferably within one month of receipt of application.
    • Review Board discusses application and collates a list of questions for applicant.  
    • Chair drafts summary of application and/or questions, shares with Review Board for approval prior to sending to applicant.  Upon approval, Chair contact applicant and cc’s committee.
    • Chair documents response from applicant as needed.
    • Committee reconvenes if necessary based on response from applicant.
    • Upon final approval and agreement from committee, Chair notifies applicant of Review Board’s recommendation.
    • Chair notifies President / Secretary to add upcoming approvals to the full board agenda.
    • Letter and certificate are mailed to applicant (generally via the state van).
    • Upload final application to dropbox.
    • Send physical application back to applicant if applicable.


Membership Coordinator, NH Paralibrarian Section
The Membership Coordinator is part of the Paralibrarian Section Executive Board. The Membership Coordinator is an appointed position and shall serve at will with no set term length.

  • Keeping current members informed of current and upcoming classes and events via email and other methods when appropriate
  • Promoting the Paralibrarian section, including: its benefits, how to apply, advance, and generally promote the section where applicable
  •  Keep an accurate record of all current members
  • Attend meetings in person or remotely


Certificate Mentors

Julie Spokane, Amherst Town Library, jspokane@amherstlibrary.org

Cyndi Burnham, Goffstown Public Library, cyndib@goffstownlibrary.com

Certificate Holders

Name Level Awarded Library City
Julie Spokane 2 May 2015 Brookline Public Library Brookline
Lee Ann Chase 2 May 2015 Hooksett Public Library Hooksett
Marcia Strykowski 3 May 2015 Hampstead Public Library Hampstead
Glenn Walter 1 June 2016 Nichols Library Center Harbor
Leanne Gast 2 June 2016 Blaisdell Memoiral Library Nottingham
Susan Kehoe 1 June 2016 Sandown Public Library Sandown
Alison Forte 2 August 2016 Blaisdell Memoiral Library Nottingham
Annette Lombardo 1 August 2016 Blaisdell Memoiral Library Nottingham
Mary Farrell 1 August 2016 G.H. Bixby Memoiral Library Francestown
Samantha Gallo 2 October 2016 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Cathy Hassard 1 February 2017 Sandown Public Library Sandown
Cheryl Ingerson 1&2 February 2017 Maxfield Public Library Loudon
Lisa Cutter 1 February 2017 Peterborough Town Library Peterborough
Jennifer Stover 2 August 2017 Merrimack Public Library Merrimack
Marcia Strykowski 4 August 2017 Hampstead Public Library Hampstead
Sarah Frost 2 August 2017 Belmont Public Library Belmont
Julie Spokane 3 October 2017 Brookline Public Library Brookline
Samantha Gallo 3 January 2018 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Lee Ann Chase 3&4 April 2018 Hooksett Public Library Hooksett
Lindsey Blanchette 1 April 2018 Salisbury Free Library Salisbury
Cyndi Burnham 1 June 2018 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Lauren Rettig 1 June 2018 Davis Public Library Stoddard
Lisa Cutter 2 June 2018 Amherst Town Library Amherst
Amanda Alwyn 1&2 August 2018 Laconia Public Library Laconia
Cyndi Burnham 2 October 2018 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Doreen Bergeron 1 October 2018 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Sarah Frost 1 October 2018 Belmont Public Library Belmont
Cathy Hassard 2 December 2018 Sandown Public Library Sandown
Doreen Bergeron 2 December 2018 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Hope Garner 1 December 2018 Griffin Free Library Auburn
Jennifer Stover 3 December 2018 Merrimack Public Library Merrimack
Lee Gilmore 1&2 December 2018 Merrimack Public Library Merrimack
Sheila Lippman 1&2 December 2018 Merrimack Public Library Merrimack
Julie Spokane 4 April 2019 Brookline Public Library Brookline
Amanda Alwyn 3 June 2019 Laconia Public Library Laconia
Susan Kehoe 2 June 2019 Sandown Public Library Sandown
Aimee LaRue 1 October 2019 Peterborough Town Library Peterborough
Cheryl Ingerson 3 October 2019 Maxfield Public Library Loudon
Mary Farrell 2 October 2019 G.H. Bixby Memoiral Library Francestown
Mary Hubbard 1 October 2019 Peterborough Town Library Peterborough
Stacey Desrosiers 1 October 2019 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Bettielue Hill 1 December 2019 Brookline Public Library Brookline
Cherylyn Gable 1 December 2019 Meredith Public Library Meredith
Aimee Larue 2 September 2020 Peterborough Town Library Peterborough
Carla Ferreira 1 September 2020 Bedford Public Library Bedford
Cheryl Ingerson 4 September 2020 Maxfield Public Library Maxfield
Cyndi Burnham 3 September 2020 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Dawn Mazur 1 September 2020 Derry Public Library Derry
Ellen Neilley 1 September 2020 James A. Tuttle Library Antrim
Joann Houde 1 September 2020 Nesmith Public Library Windham
Laura Wing 1 September 2020 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Linda Hough 1 September 2020 Meredith Public Library Meredith
Micaela Seekell 1 September 2020 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Micaela Seekell 2 September 2020 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Patrick Arnold 1 September 2020 Derry Public Library Derry
Susanna Buonopane 1 September 2020 Campton Public Library Campton
Cherylyn Gable 2 December 2020 Meredith Public Library Meredith
Danielle Arpin 1 December 2020 Pelham Public Library Pelham
Julie Cyr 1 December 2020 Jaffrey Public Library Jaffrey
Krista Bordeleau 1 December 2020 Pelham Public Library Pelham
Marie Mehegan 1 December 2020 Pembroke Town Library Pembroke
Dawn Mazur 2 March 2021 Derry Public Library Derry
Dianna Levesque 1 March 2021 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Hope Garner 2 March 2021 Griffin Free Library Auburn
Krista Bordeleau 2 March 2021 Pelham Public Library Pelham
Laura Wing 2 March 2021 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Marie Mehegan 2 March 2021 Pembroke Town Library Pembroke
Patrick Arnold 2 March 2021 Derry Public Library Derry
Samantha Gallo 4 March 2021 Fuller Public Library Hillsboro
Carla Ferreira 2 November 2021 Bedford Public Library Bedford
Cyndi Burnham 4 November 2021 Goffstown Public Library Goffstown
Danielle Arpin 2 November 2021 Pelham Public Library Pelham
John Locke 1 November 2021 Meredith Public Library Meredith
Patrick Arnold 3 November 2021 Derry Public Library Derry
Glynis Hart 1 January 2022 Wilmot Public Library Wilmot
Krista Bordeleau 3 March 2022 Pelham Public Library Pelham
Krista Bordeleau 4 September 2022 Pelham Public Library Pelham