NHLA Conference Scholarships
To encourage first-time attendance at NHLA Conferences and membership in NHLA, NHLA is offering its members, and non-members, the opportunity to make first-time conference attendance possible with up to six scholarships.
Each recipient will receive a full conference registration (does not include travel reimbursements) AND one year membership to NHLA for a first time member.
Any New Hampshire library employee or full-time library school student (must be a NH resident) who has not previously attended any NHLA Conference is eligible. Applicants do not have to be current members of NHLA.
Deadline for Fall Conference scholarship applications will be July 31, 2019.
At the August Conference Committee meeting, applicants will be reviewed and recipients will be selected. Recipients will be notified and an announcement will be sent out prior to the opening of registration for the Fall Conference.
Download an application form here.
NHLA Educational Assistance for Graduate Study
F. Mabel Winchell Loan Fund—
$2,000 interest-free loan to be repaid within 4 years funded through lifetime memberships in NHLA.
Qualifications: applicant must be a resident of New Hampshire or employed by a NH library, enrolled in an ALA accredited school of Library or Information Science, and a member of NHLA.
Rosalie Norris Scholarship—
$1,000 outright grant Funded through a bequest to NHLA from Rosalie Norris.
Qualifications: applicant must be a resident of New Hampshire or currently employed by a NH library, enrolled in an ALA accredited school of Library or Information Science, and a member of NHLA. Download an Application form: PDF or Doc
Application Deadlines: April 1 and September 1 Please send inquiries to: Carlos Pearman NHLA Scholarship Chair Manchester City Library 405 Pine Street Manchester, NH 03104 (603)624-6550 ext. 3342
NHLA Continuing Education MacDonald Fund Grant
MacDonald Fund Grants may be used for credit or non-credit courses, workshops, and seminars; State Library Education modules; online education classes; and classes offered by local educational institutions. The funds may not be used for conference attendance. Maximum total per applicant in a fiscal year is $300.
Application form: NHLA Continuing Education MacDonald Fund Grant Application
State Library Resources—
Distance learning, webinars, library training calendar, online tutorials, and workshops
Drexel University Continuing Education—
Through a collaboration between the New Hampshire Library Association and Drexel University Online, you can now earn a top-ranked degree or certificate and receive special tuition rates when you enroll in one of Drexel’s distinguished online programs.More information
University of Rhode Island School of Library and Information Studies
URI offers an ALA-accredited MLIS program and a discounted regional tuition rate to students in New Hampshire.